一個「流亡異鄉者」的禱告 (詩42)

為了堅守自己與上帝的關係,《聖經》裡的詩人常常要面對來自四方八面的壓力。在詩42:3,一位「流亡異鄉者」就這樣禱告:「我 [或譯人] 終日不斷地譏笑我說:『你的上帝在哪裡?』我便晝夜不住地流眼淚當飯吃。」

長期屈在外族的霸權底下,不少猶太人卻立志堅守神與先祖亞伯拉罕的「恩約故事」。1 可以想像,把持這遠久故事的猶太人,他們的心理狀態,常常都是充滿張力 (Tension) 及掙扎。從眼前現實來看,流亡者的確沒有盼望,而《聖經》亦沒有隱藏這些人的迷思與痛楚。「流亡異鄉者」在 42:5-6 就繼續這樣與上帝及自己對話:

把持這遠久故事的猶太人人,他們的心理狀態,常常都是充滿張力 (Tension) 及掙扎。從眼前現實來看,流亡者的確沒有盼望。


好明顯,我的「心」不是指人的心臟。從敘事身分 (narrative identity) 的角度,我的「心」其實是代表著「流亡異鄉者」一種過去慣性的期望 (expectation)。然而,這種期望,與現在的經驗 (experience),卻出現了很大的落差。當人生故事出現劇變,故事新一頁跟以往的很不協調,張力就會產生。「上帝,你 x 左去邊度?!」2


「流亡異鄉者」雖然自覺跌入汪洋深淵 (詩42:7),但他的腦海卻仍殘留一絲對上帝的仰望:「我晝夜所思慕的,我向我生命之上帝所禱告的就是:願上帝吩咐他的堅愛來救助我。 」 (詩42:8) 然而從 42:9-10可見,敵人的欺壓,其實從來沒有離開「流亡異鄉者」的腦海。


從電影剪接的角度,可以想像「流亡異鄉者」的意識 (consciousness),就是不斷穿插著一個又一個的問題,感受,仰望,問題,感受,仰望…3 無論你有沒有相信耶穌,你的腦海多少也會充滿這種思辯過程 (dialectical process)。 4





圖片提供:Angus Lok



  1. 始自 上世紀70年代,桑德斯 (Sanders) 就提出猶太人與上帝的關係,其實是一種「恩約守法主義」(covenantal nomism),而非律法主義。詳參 https://www.facebook.com/scott.narrating.God/posts/209778237157656
  2. 敘事邏輯裡有一個要點,叫做 a dialectic of discordance and concordance。從故事經驗的角度,可以轉化至 a dialectic of experience and expectation。我們對上帝的認識,亦是在這種張力的過程中發生。從這角度去捕捉上帝與人建立關係的哲學,以及人的身分,是 Paul Ricoeur 的強項。詳參 https://www.narratinggod.com/category/paul-ricoeur/
  3. 從詮釋現象學的角度來說,我們對意識 (consciousness) 的接觸,其實都須要藉著語言的。“Present-day philosophy is still a part of the Kantian legacy in that it is interested in the presuppositions of knowledge, and it acknowledges that (physical?) reality itself is not the base of knowledge. Contrary to Kant, however, emphasis is no longer placed on consciousness, but on language. The concepts that structure knowledge are not situated in individual consciousness, they are part of language and social life.” See Guy A. M. Widdershoven, “Identity and Development. A Narrative Perspective,” in Identity and Development, ed. A. Bosma Harke and others (London: SAGE Publications, 1994), 104.
  4. “The influence of Hegel is manifest in Ricoeur’s employment of a method he describes as a “refined dialectic.” For Ricoeur, the dialectic is a “relative moment[s] in a complex process called interpretation” (Explanation and Understanding”, 150). Like Hegel, the dialectic involves identifying key oppositional terms in a debate, and then proceeding to articulate their synthesis into a new, more developed concept. However, this synthesis does not have the uniformity of a Hegelian synthesis. Ricoeur’s method entails showing how the meanings of two seemingly opposed terms are implicitly informed by, and borrow from, each other. Within the dialectic, the terms maintain their differences at the same time that a common “ground” is formed. However, the common ground is simply the ground of their mutual presupposition. Ricoeur’s dialectic, then, is a unity of continuity and discontinuity.” See https://iep.utm.edu/ricoeur/
  5. 絕大部分的聖經譯本,都將詩42:3 裡的原文 בֶּאֱמֹ֥ר ,理解為 they say,意思就是別人譏笑詩人。但由於原文的動詞形態其實是一個 Infinitive Construct,是沒有person, gender, or number的。故此,《呂振中》將經文翻譯為 “I say”,即是詩人對自己的譏笑,亦未嘗不可。詩人在此省去了譏笑的主體,或有可能想表達,在他跟自我及上帝的對話過程裡,某程度上,他已認同了別人對他的譏笑,以致他也一同加入這譏笑行列。
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